Check and Standby Main Engine and Auxiliary Engine Before Starting

To maintain the normal performance of ship’s main engine and auxiliary engines is of first importance to secure the safety of vessel and the normal daily live of crew.  To ensure that the normal performance of main engine and auxiliary engines be maintained continually, Engineers in charge and duty Engineer shall be well acquainted with every operating procedures of the main engine and auxiliary engines; all relevant data and parameters stipulated by the instruction books should be at their fingertips.  They shall carefully operate, inspect and maintain the engines without any negligence.  The operations of different types of engines are not similar at all.  If the following guidelines for operation are not same as those stipulated by the instruction book, the stipulations of the instruction book shall govern.

Before starting main engine or auxiliary engine, check and standby engine first in accordance with the following procedures:

  1. A check should be carried out to ensure that the lubricating oil system, fuel oil system and air starting system are free of water, and that sufficient lubricating oil, fuel oil and starting air are available.
  2. Moving parts should be lubricated in well advance.
  3. Confirm the lubricating oil system, cooling water system, fuel oil system and air starting system free of leakage.
  4. Warm-up the engine.
  5. When the main engine is turned by the turning gear, turn the lubricators manually 25 to 30 times and meanwhile observe if the lubricator pump is working normally and if the feeding is even at al cylinders.
  6. Make sure the fuel injection pump rod and the governor speed rod can move freely without obstruction.
  7. Open the indicator cocks for turning the engine.  After everything is confirmed in order during turning of engine, run the engine by air.
  8. For main engine with simulator, simulation of air-run the engine should be carried out first.  After everything is confirmed in order, notify the bridge to conduct air-run, starting and reversing test.

After the engine starts, check the safety protecting equipment switches and alarm switches at normal running position.

Check and confirm if the insulation and shield of exhaust pipe and manifold is integrity.  Fuel injector pump, fuel oil pipe or lub. oil pipe leaks must be remedied once it is observed.  It is strictly prohibited to leave such leaks unattended to avoid fuel oil or lub. oil from splashing or spraying onto the exhaust pipe/manifold consequently causing fire.

In the event that the exhaust temperature soars or drops drastically, take firing pressure immediately to ascertain the causes and rectify same promptly.

The bridge should give at least one hour arriving port notice to the engine room to enable it has sufficient time to change over the main engine to diesel oil.

When the auxiliary engine consumes heavy fuel oil or blended oil, it must be changed-over to consume diesel oil at least one hour before stopping.

When the auxiliary engine consumes heavy fuel oil or blended oil, after auto stop or emergency stop, all fuel oil inside the fuel line system must be purged out completely superseding by diesel oil to prevent remaining fuel oil, after cooling down, blocking the system.

For auxiliary engine with auto start in standby condition, its L.O. priming pump and F.O. primary pump should be started; all cooling water valve, lubricating oil valve etc. should be kept at proper position ready for normal running.

Main engine test before ship arriving at port.

  1. Main engine test should be carried out in safe waters and at appropriate time at the Master’s discretion; throughout the test, anchor should be in standby condition.
  2. In well advance, the duty Engineer: should re-charge starting-air, drain out residual water in the air receiver, lubricate or grease the control level and starting valves, open indicator cock one time to check if being blocked and observe the combustion status in each cylinder.
  3. Being approved by the duty Officer, main engine stopping, reversing and starting test should be carried out; the result and time should be logged in “Engine Log Book”.

Main engine emergency operation test should be carried out once every three months.

  1. The Master undertakes to select a safe waters for the test.  The Chief Engineer should personally supervise the test at the spot.
  2. Duty Engineer should change over main engine to emergency operation condition strictly according to the relevant procedure.  Only after the change over handle and the relevant signal display at emergency operation position is confirmed can emergency control operation be carried out.  The emergency operation test for electrical equipment should be carried out concurrently,  Requirements for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment”.
  3. After emergency operation test, make sure that the main engine be changed over back to normal control system; result and date of test should be logged in “Engine Log Book”.
  4. For safety sake, for vessel with unmanned engine room, main engine maneuvering operation should be changed over from bridge control to engine control room while the vessel is arriving or departing port or in canal transition.

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